Get the HS Classification Code List

Exporting and importing goods need to be done with care and caution, and the HS code is highly crucial in this matter. If you don't, then you could face a lot of problems, according to an expert in the field of importing and exporting. Here we cover some of the topics as follows.

Harmonized System code

The World Customs Organization's Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System is the Harmonized System (HS) Classification, often known as the HS Nomenclature. It is an international customs classification system that assigns each group of products a unique 6-digit HS number. The Customs Cooperation Council first implemented the scheme in 1983.

Although HSN Code Search are generally harmonized across most nations, there are occasional deviations.

HS codes serve a variety of functions. They allow customs officials to identify the products and apply the necessary import charges, as well as other taxes and trade restrictions.

The HS classification is critical in determining the origin of goods.

Harmonized system code list

The HS classification is used to determine MFN duties as well as preferential tariffs under FTAs. Furthermore, understanding the product's HS classification is required to determine the proper rule of origin under any FTA. Any trade agreement's rules of origin will differ for items categorized under different commodity codes (see Introduction to preferential rules of origin). Furthermore, HS categorization is a crucial aspect of determining if a commodity qualifies under various sorts of origin criteria.

HS codes are 6 digits long and are divided into Chapters (first two digits), Headings (first four digits), and Subheadings (full 6 digits). Depending on the country, the HS codes are further broken from 7- to 12-digit items (also referred to as commodity codes and national tariff lines).

HS codes are examined and updated on a regular basis (usually once in 5 years). The most recent modifications were in 2012 and 2017. The WCO website has the 2017 edition of the HS Code.

New codes can be added and certain codes can be removed throughout each review. This causes a difference between the various HS versions.

If the text of an FTA refers to an older version of the HS, special care must be taken to ensure that proper codes are used when importing products under preferential treatment.

When trading products under preference, importers should not rely just on HS codes provided by suppliers, but should also examine the local customs classification in order to get the accurate and complete import commodity codes. Importers and exporters should also check that they are using the same version of the HS system.

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