HS Code – A Way of Numerical Classification of items
The harmonized commodity description and coding system is an abbreviation of HS code . Every commodity entering or crosses the international border is declared to customs with the help of at HS Code. This code is developed by a world custom organization and is an international product nomenclature. This code comprises 5000 commodity groups identified by 6-digit code. The six-digit code is a logical structure that defines the rules and unique classification of a particular thing. HS codes are being used by more than 200 countries to determine their custom traffics and collection of international trade statistics. List of commodities in HS code There are certain commodities under this code. The HS classifications are described under a certain section. • Section 1 live animals and products. Dairy products, bird eggs, products of animal origin, meat, and edible meat offal. • Section 2 comprises vegetable prod...