The global economic slowdown may jeopardise India's plans for increased exports.

The Finance Ministry stated in its most recent monthly economic review report on Thursday that the pass-through of higher input prices to retail inflation is nearly complete and that easing global commodity prices and new Kharif crop arrivals will diminish inflationary pressures in the coming months. Despite the global monetary tightening, India is well-positioned to grow at a relatively brisk rate in the next few years because of macroeconomic stability, it added. According to the study, the government has considered India's food security issues thus far this year and will continue to give them top attention. Let’s explore the notification in detail. Global Economic Slowdown Impacts India Exports The pass-through of higher input prices to retail inflation is almost complete, according to the Finance Ministry's most recent monthly economic review report released on Thursday, and in the months to come, inflationary pressures will be lessened by falling global commodity prices ...