Update list of Harmonized system code list

Do we know what Harmonized system code list is and how it is beneficial for international trading? Firstly, we have to be known of what is Harmonized system code list is? Let us understand with an example, let’s we have to buy a laptop from any international market. But different things have different names all around the world, so it is difficult for the people to understand about the actual requirement of the product. As a solution WTO, ICC & ITC have united and created a system, which is called Harmonized system code list and fully formed as Harmonized System code . These codes have 97 chapters in the world and India has 98. Different commodities have been categorized in different codes so they can be easily searched by buyers and exporters. In international trading, we may listen to the term named HS Code . It controls exporting and importing products by using specific codes and plays the role of seamless business trade across the world. There are a varie...